How to use and benefits of Glycerin and Turmeric on Face (Step-by-step)

Everyone wants their skin to look nice and smooth. However, because of dust, unhealthy eating, and pollution, many people have skin problems. So, they use expensive makeup and skincare treatments to look better. But if you want to have nice skin naturally, you can use glycerin and turmeric. Glycerin and turmeric together can help with many skin issues. Let’s learn about the benefits and how to use glycerin and turmeric on face.

Benefits of using Glycerin and Turmeric on Face

Using glycerin and turmeric on face can have many benefits for your skin:

1. Say Goodbye to Dry Skin

Glycerin and Turmeric on Face

If your skin feels dry, a simple solution is to mix glycerin and turmeric and apply it to your face. Glycerin has moisturizing properties which helps to keep your skin moist and soft. This mixture can help you get rid of dry and dull skin.

2. Treat Annoying Pimples

Glycerin and Turmeric on Face

During rainy seasons, many people face annoying pimples. In such cases, you can make a paste of glycerin and turmeric to apply to your face because Turmeric has antibacterial properties which protect your skin from bacteria and infections and provide relief from pimples and acne.

3. Brighten Your Skin

Glycerin and Turmeric on Face

Want a better complexion? You can also use a mixture of glycerin, a pinch of turmeric, and aloe vera. Apply this mixture to your face, wait for 10 minutes, and wash it off. Using this paste 1-2 times a week can make your skin glow and look better.

4. Goodbye Blemishes

Glycerin and Turmeric on Face

If you have blemishes on your face, glycerin and turmeric can help. Turmeric contains antioxidants that protect your skin from free radicals. Applying a combination of glycerin and turmeric can reduce blemishes and even out your skin tone.

5. Say No to Open Pores

Glycerin and Turmeric on Face

If you’re bothered by open pores, you can apply a paste of glycerin and turmeric to your face. You can add rose water for more benefits because Rose water helps balance the pH levels of your skin, and deals with skin issues. Glycerin and turmeric also help with open pores, making your skin feel refreshed.

These natural remedies effectively deal with various skin problems and benefit your skin by giving you healthy and glowing skin.

What you need to make Glycerin and Turmeric Paste for skin

  • Glycerin
  • Turmeric powder
  • A small bowl
  • A clean spoon
  • Optional: Aloe vera gel (if you have it)
  • Optional: Rose water (if you have it)

How to apply Glycerin and Turmeric on Face (Step-by-step)

Step 1: Get Your Ingredients Ready

Make sure you have glycerin and turmeric powder ready. If you want to make the mixture even better, you can also have aloe vera gel and rose water on hand.

Step 2: Mix the Ingredients

  • Take a small bowl and put about 1-2 teaspoons of glycerin in it.
  • Add a tiny bit of turmeric powder to the glycerin. Be careful not to use too much because turmeric can leave a yellow stain on your skin.
  • If you have aloe vera gel, you can add a little (about half a teaspoon) to the mix. Aloe vera can soothe your skin.
  • If you want, put a few drops of rose water. Rose water helps balance your skin’s pH level and has extra benefits.

Step 3: Mix Thoroughly

Use a clean spoon to mix everything together until it becomes a smooth paste. Make sure the turmeric blends well with the glycerin and any extra ingredients.

Step 4: Test on Your Skin

Before you apply the mixture to your face, try a small amount on a tiny part of your skin, like your forearm. This way, you can check if your skin reacts badly or feels sensitive to the mixture.

Step 5: Apply to Your Face

  • If the mixture does not react, then apply the mixture to your face.
  • Use your fingers to gently spread the mixture all over your face, avoiding your eyes.
  • Leave it on your face for about 10-15 minutes. You might feel a slight tingle because of the turmeric.

Step 6: Wash Your face

After 10-15 minutes, wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water. Make sure to remove all paste.

Step 7: Use Moisturize

Once your face is clean and dry, use your regular moisturizer. This helps keep your skin hydrated.

Step 8: How Often to Use

You can use this mixture once or twice a week, depending on your skin type and desired results. Do not use it frequently as it may irritate the skin.

Remember, turmeric can stain clothes and towels, so be careful. If your skin feels itchy, red, or irritated while or after using the mixture, stop using it and rinse your face well. If you have any concerns about your skin, it’s a good idea to talk to a dermatologist.

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